Here is an adaptation of the classic Fuzz Face circuit.
The Sziklai connection (also called complementary Darlington) uses two complementary transistors to form a higer gain device (typically the product of the individual gains). This is a good way to put to use those PNP germaniums that are too
low gain to fit on a fuzz pedal. The NPN counterparts should be low gain too, but can be silicon. The compund behaves as NPN, so this circuit is negative ground
So I replaced both transistors on the standard Fuzz Face with Sziklai compounds made of BC549B and AC128 transistors. The BC549s gain was around 250, and the AC128s close to 120 (but leaky).
Had to change some resistor values and adjust the bias pot until I got good sustain with minimum gating effect.
Click on the image to enlarge
I made some samples with it:
sound samples
I'm hopping to get some lower gain transistors for a more "traditional" sound. This one turned out to be pretty high gain for my taste.
Added 26/10/05: 2N2369A, 2N3055, MJ2955 had been suggested as low gain silicon NPN transistors.
Miguel Canel, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Quitar NOSPAM)